Artistic Director David Roblou welcomes you to Midsummer Opera, an independent modern repertory opera company!
Starting in 1985 with three singers, a director and me, we promoted and performed all our own shows, and when I took over as Artistic Director in 2000 I was determined to preserve this integrity. Being allergic to “director’s opera” I entrust stage direction to singers with wide experience of theatre of all kinds, and this role has been assumed by John Upperton, now joined by Lynne McAdam. Being allergic also to “conductor’s opera” I coach, rehearse and conduct the shows myself, rather than relying on a music staff to do preparatory work for me. And all the while we have accumulated a core of soloists, choristers and orchestral players who regularly re-appear in our productions and contribute to the development of the company’s performing personality, a “house style” in both performance and production.
Come and see for yourself how our shows demonstrate this style, brilliance and ability to move audiences in a way that is uniquely “Midsummer Opera”.
Programmes for smaller venues – Sounds Lyrical
Sounds Lyrical offers to programme bespoke small-scale operatic concerts and ‘curtain raisers’ for venues with a smaller performing space. This is ideal for private or corporate occasions or for audience development. >>CLICK HERE for more info.

Images: Robert Workman
putting music first
– telling the story through the music
Midsummer Opera, Charity no 294591